Sunday, May 25, 2008

Twittermania: 140+ More Twitter Tools!

Some of these I use daily like twitpic, others I use once in a while like tweetscan. One of the newest desktop twitter clients called TweetDeck is great. I'm using it daily though it feels like a resource hog because my PC runs a little more sluggish.

Twittermania: 140+ More Twitter Tools!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Weird Science with Dr. V on KGMB9: Episode 3 - Make Your Own Lava Lamp

Howzit!  Check out this week’s episode of Weird Science with Dr. V on the Sunrise Morning program on KGMB9.  Tune in every Tuesday morning at 6:40am HST, or if you're not in Hawaii visit to watch the latest Weird Science experiement.  Please forward this link on to friends and family, especially those with keiki  (children).